Neopolis is the first of its kind city built by Wadi Degla Developments in Mostakbal City. Covering over 545.5 acres of land Neopolis City provides you with the most joyful view. We like to have our residents enjoy the scenery so our apartments and duplexes overlook wide green areas. Luxury and high end facilities and services are always offered including Wadi Degla Club and Wadi Degla & rsquo;s well known retail complex: The District
هذه ملاحظة شائعة يمكن عرضها على جميع العقارات
اغمر نفسك في الأجواء الساحرة لعقاراتنا. احجز جولة مخصصة لاستكشاف الجمال الفريد والميزات المميزة لعقاراتنا.
سيرشدك موظفونا ذوو الخبرة في جولة داخل العقار، ويجيبون على أي أسئلة قد تكون لديك.
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.
Suze Orman